Wednesday 25 November 2015


So today after work I went shopping for my sister's birthday present. I knew exactly what I wanted so when I got there it wasn't very hard. Once I'd finally caught the attention of one of the sales assistant, she started to tell me more about what I wanted but my eyes started to water from lack of sleep and from staring too much at all the shiny things in the store. Luckily, she was called away to take out trash or something because I saw her a few minutes later carrying bundles of plastic and telling me that she'd be right back. I felt bad. I kept waiting until my eyes stopped watering and returned back to normal and then realised I didn't want her to rush because I felt bad - what if she thought I was annoying? Or inconvenient? What if she thought my outfit was ugly? Or my face was too oily? Or my breath stank? I'd been working for eight hours before then so I wouldn't be surprised. But I wasn't deterred. So I kept waiting.

She finally came back and I got what I wanted and came to the register where I started trying to make conversation because I didn't want it to be awkward. The thing is, I get tongue-tied when I'm nervous. Like, really tongue-tied. So I pretty much slobbered my way out of the store and tried to walk off feeling confident about my purchase and my day. 

I decided to opt for some shopping therapy so I made my way down to the little stores on the bottom level that sell random clothes and browsed my way through them carefully avoiding the shop assistants. There's this particular little store/area that I had always wanted to check out but the shopping assistant was too within visual vicinity for me so I generally avoided it but this time I went straight in .... and got engaged in a conversation!

The anxiety was so real! I could hear myself trying to make myself understood and it sounded cringe-worthy and kind of pathetic. But the girl was actually so nice. She talked to me in the same kind of awkward level (or so I thought) as I did and we ended up talking about a lot of things. She helped me judge about five different outfits as I tried them on and we came to a good conclusion about our body types and what we thought about ourselves. 

She told me about how she genuinely wanted to help people pick out clothes and that people judge her for being overly helpful because they think she wants to sell them something. I was kind of thinking, "Is this some kind of reverse psychology to get me to buy something?" but realised I was being too cynical. And then I told her how forgetful I was when she asked if I wanted to pay with card or cash (to which I replied cash having lost my card for over 2 weeks now) and we had a mini D'n'M. I felt grateful and a little sad when I left.

I went to walk into another store somewhere further down from that store and the whole time inside I just thought she'd appear and be all offended or sad or angry that I bought something from her store just to look for something else in another store. I felt so bad. I think this anxiety with store assistant sales-people is getting a little out of hand.

In conclusion, I like shopping on my own.

P.s. This is the top I bought.

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